Exterior of Mother Emanuel (Courtesy: Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church).
Interior of Mother Emanuel (Courtesy: Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church)
John Wesley, founder of Methodism (Engraving by J. Thompson after J. Jackson, Wellcome Collection).
Bishop Daniel Alexander Payne, who oversaw the return of African Methodism to his native Charleston in 1865 (by Frederick Gutekunst, ca. 1888, National Portrait Gallery/ Smithsonian Institution).
Bishop Richard Allen, founder of African Methodism (by Peter S. Duval, ca. 1840, National Portrait Gallery/ Smithsonian Institution)
Bishop Morris Brown, founder of Charleston's African Church (by Albert Newsam, 1844, National Portrait Gallery/Smithsonian Institution)
Trustees, Stewards, and Stewardesses of Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, ca. 1916 (Richard R. Wright, Jr., Centennial Encyclopaedia of the African Methodist Episcopal Church).
The original Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, ca. 1890 (Courtesy: Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church).
The Emanuel AME congregation, undated (Courtesy: Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church)